Are You A Fan Too?
Even the very best, most successful people get support when then need it. Surround yourself with the best team if you want to get the...

Can I really Have It All?
Can you have a super successful career and an amazing family life too? Can you have health and fitness and also great finances and an...

Can We Force People to Get Help?
You might feel it is in their best interest, but is it OK to force someone to get help if they are struggling with a mental health issue?...

Should Kids Have Mental Health Days Too?
If it's a good thing for adults, it should be a good thing for kids too, right? But what are the implications?

Do You Have the Power of Mind Control?
Your Powers of Mind Control are the most important skillset for your career, relationships, and your own personal health and wellbeing....

What is your Appreciation Ratio?
Applying this one little tip can make a huge difference in your relationships.

Who's In Charge Here?
Self Determination is vital for mental health and wellbeing. But how much of our own lives do we really control?

Losing Friends Lately?
Do things happen for a reason or are they just coincidences? Why have friendships suffered recently? Who haven´t you connected with...

Who Are You?
Random Thought of the Day - What are the common themes that run through your life? What has made you who you are today? Who are the...

Is Stress Hurting Your Relationship? Here’s How To Fix It
Stressful situations and pivotal life events can genuinely test our relationships. It is inevitable, but what matters most is how we...